My Beloved Loop

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

My Beloved Loop

My Beloved Loop Welcome to may 2022 a new month with the same goals

Get more productive Wake up on time Focus on yourself Block out the noise Eat healthy Hit the gymn Get closer to God Holdup I may have seen something like this before but I can’t remember where……..

Oh yeah those where the same goals of may 2021 if I remember correctly

So here I am gingered to be more to do more and at the same time the big question

Is this progress or am I stuck in the same loop going in circles motivated unmotivated and then motivated again

Here are four things to do if you feel stuck

Divide your life into three of the most important aspects e.g Work life, Prayer life and Social life. This depends on you and what are most important to you. And remember to prioritize them not just once or twice but every breathing moment of your life . Set weekly goals based on each area of your life and try to meet it …….No Joshua you cannot have six ab’s in one week….Set realistic goals. Focus on the Journey rather than the destination….. I know wisdom is making six figures and kobi just landed that dream job and toby got the Benz but honestly leave all those ritualist and focus on your journey .Learning to code? enjoy solving the problems don’t live in your imagination where you become a great developer and hack into CIA bruuhhh it is not happening just enjoy the journey. Avoid toxic environments…… A lot of people understand that being around people that are way better than them at certain things can become toxic if the people involved are not mentor oriented they can create a lot of self doubt in you ….But what you don’t know is that being in an environment where your the best at something is toxic to. Build with competition find people that challenge you people that work very hard and challenge them,throw yourself into this healthy competition and try to outshine them … Remember avoid appraisal both good and bad just keep going.

I would end this with the most important of everything the Golden Rule : STAY CONSISTENT better two hours daily than 10 hours once in a while. No matter how terrible hardworking feels sometimes,keep going stay consistent .Wake up same time everyday and do it the way you said you will do it on that book and repeat same time everyday….Sleepy? Angry? Hungry? Heartbroken? Repeat it same time everyday every single thing don’t leave even one thing out.

The price for freedom remains discipline the more disciplined you are the more freedom you can attain. Here is the punch the loop always remains but the choice is yours would you have a FOR LOOP OR A WHILE LOOP

I worked FOR and stayed productive and felt like I was running In circles


While I stayed inconsistent and lazy and felt stucked going round and round in circles