How Your Construction And design Project can affect the mental health of your client

How Your Construction And design Project can affect the mental health of your client

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How Your Construction And design Project can affect the mental health of your client (Introduction)

     For the past year I have been deeply committed to the process of sourcing and getting the most professional artisans in every field of  construction. One thing that has become impossible to ignore,is the role that construction projects plays on the mental health of every individual. The idea that a project is just a project or a house is just an assembly of blocks put together to live in is false. As human beings we are wired to crave an emotional attachment to our living space, our furnitures etc. Every animal has a sentimental attachment to its habitat and even man craves a sentimental attachment to his constructed habitat. Understanding this is what separates architecture

From Draughtsmanship It is what separates an architect from a draughtsman.

     The Number one attribute of professional artisan remains  LISTENING. You have to listen very carefully to what is said and what your client wants, sometimes what they want cannot be expressed in words. In my experience most times a client has requested for a white room what they have really wanted was a bright room not an all white room with all white furnitures, Most times they have requested for a quiet space it has not been a silent room rather a room with the right sounds. From construction to renovation even to making of the smallest furniture or tiling of the kitchen walls a lot has to do with listening . One thing that helps me listen is knowing what to listen for. There are three main attributes humans  craves in their environment 
  1. Complexity
  2. Variation
  3. Rhythm This is what you listen for as a professional. Most people would not be able to explain this clearly but every explanation every picture every wish made by a client revolves around this three attributes.
    My closing remark would be the definition of architecture I heard while on my construction journey . “ARCHITECTURE IS THE SENSE OF BELONGING TO A SHELTER”. No matter how grand a project is or well built an infrastructure is, If it does not give that sense of belonging to it’s users has failed in its function. 
    I would be writing all through this month about this topic so stay reading. It would interest you to know that we would deal with Neuroarchitecture and Ergonomics in our next read . I am breaking this into parts to make the read less boring do well to keep reading